
Wondering how you can help? There are numerous ways you can make a difference. Sponsor student meals, assist with tutoring, provide athletic and enrichment programs, or simply give supplies for our community closets and food pantries. Overall, your gifts offer a safe environment for students to go during out-of-school time, where positive alternatives encourage their self-esteem, development and create bright futures. For more information on sponsorships or donations contact Maddy Iferd at 407.246.3872 or email:

Donate Now:


Core Program Components

  • Academics
  • Enrichment
  • Athletics / Healthy Living
  • Service Learning
  • Rising Stars
  • Kids Classic Golf Tournament

Donor Privacy Policy: Orlando ASAS respects the privacy and trust that is ensured from our donors. We do not sell, trade or otherwise disclose donor’s personal or corporate information with anyone outside of our organization and do not send mailings on behalf of other organizations.

Orlando After-School All-Stars has thankfully received tremendous support from the local community through corporate funding and donations. Cash and In-Kind contributions are considered a charitable donation and fully fund events. Orlando After-School All-Stars is a registered 501 (c)(3).

Wondering how you can help? By making a donation, you help provide lunch and snacks to underprivileged students that might not otherwise get a meal. You contribute to the education of these children, giving them the opportunities to experience technology and skills needed to become successful in a demanding world. Most importantly, your gift offers a safe environment for students to go before and after school; where positive alternatives encourage their self-esteem, future, and development-- a real chance to learn the power of education.